Kagan cooperative strategies

Find the fiction demonstration done in college  


Kagan Strategy: Round Robin * Steps for the Strategy 1. Give the students a question with multiple answers or a topic with multiple parts. 2. Each student orally provides an answer or part of the topic, taking about the same amount of time for each student. 3. Students coach one another when a partner has difficulty. 4. Students provide appropriate praise or constructive criticism when necessary.

 I used this above strategy to discuss about use of genetic engineering in the current scenario. Students wrote some wonderful arguments on how some scientists are mis using genetic cloning and trying to create super humans.

Students enjoying Round robin Kagan on topic Mis use of gene cloning in today`s world 


Talking Chips Teammates place Talking Chips in the center of the table to make sure everyone contributes to the team discussion. Setup: Teams have talking chips (maximum: two chips each.) 1. The teacher provides a discussion topic and provides think time. 2. Any student begins the discussion; placing one of his/her chips in the center of the table. 3. Any student with a chip continues discussing, using his/her chip. 4. When all chips are used, teammates each collect their chips and continue the discussion using their talking chips.

 I used this strategy to revise the science lessons before their Summative exams.

Happy faces - enjoying talking chits 


Inside-Outside Circles (Students rotate in concentric circles to face new partners for sharing, solving, quizzing.) 1. Put 2 groups together (inside and outside circles) 2. Questions or problems on flash cards and give to inside circle students 3. Inside asks while outside responds, inside listens, praises, or coaches (teacher can also ask the question and indicates whether inside or outside responds.) 4. Switch roles - outside asks while inside responds, outside listens, praises or coaches 5. Switch cards and inside or outside rotates (can also rotate two ahead, three ahead, etc.)
The above technique was used as revision for class IX for the topic cell and its structure , the students enjoyed this new way of revising the lesson which otherwise becomes monotonous for them.

Inside outside circle

  Inside outside circle in action


 Students write three statements and read them to teammates. Teammates try to find which of the three statements the fiction is.
1.      Teammates write three statements two true and one false. 2. One student on each team stands and reads his/her statements to teammates. 3. Without consulting teammates, each student writes down his/her own best guess which statement is false. 4. Teammates Round Robin (show guesses) and defend their ‘best guess’. 5. Teammates announce their guess, or write them down. 6. Standing student announces the false statement. 7. Students celebrate. 8. Repeat process with another teammate.

The above strategy was used as evaluation for lesson metals and non metals for class 8th standard.

 Find the fiction Kagan 

Find the fiction Kagan 

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