Discrepant event demonstrations

Discrepant events are occurrences which defy our understanding of the world by presenting unexpected outcomes. These phenomena are often used in science demonstrations to grab the attention of an audience and engage visual learners, particularly young children. Always encourage students to discuss what will happen before the experiment takes place. Allow them to convince themselves they know what will happen before surprising them with a discrepant event.






Floating Egg Science Experiment

Materials required:
·         2 Eggs
·         2 Tall Drinking Glass
·         Salt
·         Water

1.       Fill a tall drinking glass about 3/4 full of water
2.       Place the egg into the glass of watch and watch it sink
3.       Fill another tall drinking glass about 3/4 full of water
4.       Add 3 Tablespoons of Salt and stir until combined
5.       Place the egg into the glass and watch it float

The egg will sink in regular tap water because the density of the water is less than the density of the egg itself. Adding salt to the water increases its density making it more dense than the egg. Therefore the egg will float in the salt water.


Materials required: Two books

The trick is set up by the laying of the pages of two books on top of each other one by one—interleaving them. A volunteer then tries to pull the phone books apart by force alone, holding on to the books' spines. If they are set up properly no human, no matter how strong, is capable of pulling the phone books apart. Even attaching one book to a solid object like a wall will not provide enough force to separate the pages.
The force of friction acting on the pages is a major reason that pulling the books apart is so difficult. The fact that the pages of two books are interleaved means that friction as well as weight is preventing them from being separated. If there are 999 pages in total in contact with each other, the friction between the pages is equal to 500 times the friction between one book and another.


Materials required: Bottle, rice,sticks.
Fill plastic bottle up with rice. Stop when the rice is about an inch from the top.
Put the lid on the bottle and shake it to fluff up the rice.  It should appear nearly full
Add some more rice and continue to tap.  You may even want to use one of the chopsticks to make a few jabs into the rice to pack it down even better. The important thing is to make both bottle look like they are full and have the same amount of rice in them.
Gently lift your chopstick.  It should “stick” to the rice well enough to lift the bottle
Reason: When you insert the chopstick into the bottle of packed rice, it takes up additional space inside of the bottle.  Because rice is not fluid and has great difficulty moving up the neck of the bottle to compensate for the space that the chopstick takes up, the packed rice has very little room to move so it tends to press against the sides of the bottle. The chopstick gets wedged between the rice and the sides of the bottle.  Friction helps to hold the chopstick in the bottle as the bottle is lifted in air at a time.



Materials required
¬  2 empty soft drink cans
¬  24 drinking straws
¬  flat table
¬  extra straws

Procedure: (1) Place the empty cans a few inches apart on a bed of straws
. (2) Ask the class what they think will happen when you blow between the cans from above them.
(3) Blow between the two cans from directly above them and observe what happens. (4) Set the cans up again as in step one and ask the class what they think will happen when you blow between the cans horizontally from the level of your flat surface.
(5) Blow horizontally between the cans from the direct level of the flat surface they are on and observe what happens.

Science behind It: This demo shows what happens when air pressure is changed between the cans. When blowing between the cans in step three, the cans rolled away from each other. This happened because by blowing down between them, you increased the air pressure between them. 
Air has a natural tendency to move from high to low pressure. Because of this, the cans rolled away from where you blew so that the high pressure between them could equalize with the lower pressure on the other side of the cans. However, when you blew between the cans from a horizontal position in step five, the cans rolled together. This is probably the opposite of the result that the majority of your class predicted. This occurred because this time, you lessened the pressure between the cans. As you blew horizontally, you essentially “cleared out” the air between the cans therefore creating an area of low pressure. 
The higher pressure on the outside of the cans pushed the cans together towards the area of lower pressure. As the speed of air increases, the pressure of the air decreases and the faster the air moves the less pressure it has. The lessening of pressure due to high speed movement of air is one of the reasons why tornadoes can be very destructive as objects are thrown into the whirling air by the stronger air pressure around them.



  • Explain how air pressure works.


  • 2 Plastic drink bottles (2 litres in size, clean and dry)
  • Balloons
  • Scissors, thumbtack, or nail (for teacher to make the hole)


  1. ​Before the class arrives, make a hole in the bottom of one of the bottles, 2–5 milimetres across, using the scissors, thumbtack, or nail.
  2. Select two volunteers, preferably one small student and one big student.
  3. Give the bigger student the bottle without a hole and give the smaller student the bottle with the hole.
  4. Give each volunteer a balloon to place inside the neck of the bottle, stretching the open end of the balloon over the mouth of the bottle to seal it.
  5. On the count of three, challenge the volunteers to blow up their balloons!
  6. Only the smaller student’s balloon should inflate (in the bottle with the hole in the bottom).
  7. Thank the students and ask another pair of students to come up and repeat the demonstration (use new balloons).

Students will learn that when there is an opening in an enclosed area such as a bottle or a cup; air can escape and allow room for something else (like the inflated balloon). This example of air pressure relates to our lungs. As we breathe air in, our lungs shrink; and as we breathe out our lungs expand. This is the same principle when your ear pops. 

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