Sci - fun

Sci-Fun is an activity based program which enhances the knowledge of students through hands on activities in which complex concepts are made simple.

The whole program is inspired by Mr. Arvind Gupta’s ideas, planned and organized by Associate professor of GVM’S Dr. Dada Vaidya College Of Education, Dr.Anna Neena George.

In this program, we emphasize on using throw away waste to make objects through which scientific concepts can be understood and visualized. These Sci-Fun objects are cost efficient and can be easily made by the students.

On 27/1/2018 we visited A.J.De Almeida School to conduct the Sci-Fun program. 
I was made the leader for this program , it was a life changing experience as I got to learn leadership skills,how to manage the resources,how to work as a team and how to complete the task within stipulated time duration.
As a person I changed , my confidence and self belief increased immensely .
I demonstrated the principle of  magnetic levitation to students in classroom. Below are some of the pictures.

Sci Fun visit to Harmal Panchakroshi  Goa on 17th February 2018.

Classroom concepts and Common demonstration were delivered  the  various concepts were taught to 6th, 7th,  and 8th standard students.

It was a indeed a special moment for us as ex Chief Minister Of Goa Sir. Laximikant Parsekar was the Chief guest for the function.

The main attraction of the program was  skeleton dance.The valedictory function was conducted where Sir Parsekar gave a small speech in which he said ‘He is very happy to see school students enjoying science through experiments’ and  appreciated us for the initiative.

Demonstrating balloon bench experiment

Skeleton Dance 


                           Magnetic levitation done in Panchakroshi School Harmal 

Students enjoying levitating pencil experiment 


On 8th October 2018 we students of science method along with our mentor Dr.Anna Neena George conducted sci - fun in Almeida high school for students of VI standard.This was a miniature version of actual sci fun which we had organised to demonstrate it to Mr.Sharath Chandra CEO butterfly kits.I was made the leader for the same, in classroom I demonstrated  climbing brush experiment.The students really enjoyed the experiments and were very enthusiastic about the same.



On the 12th of January, 2019 the Sci-Fun team visited St. Thereza’s Convent High School, Raia. The Sci-Fun program was organized by Dr. Anna Neena George. I being the leader had lot of responsibilities to be fulfilled.In this Sci-Fun we tried to use the kits from butterfly fields . I demonstrated the functioning of human eye both defective and normal.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice to see Students are "learning by doing" Keep it up!!