Bird watching

On 26th January bird watching activity was organized by our madam Dr.Anna Neena George .I along with my classmates attended the same. Around 2:30 we were taken to Carambolim lake in Karmali . The activity was conducted in association with GBCN . The members from GBCN  (Goa bird conservation network) Mrunmayi Thakur and Omkar Dhargalkar  had come to show us the different varieties of birds found in the lake, many migratory birds were seen

Birds like swallow, grey heron, ruddy shelled duck, Brahmini kite, plowers, black winged stilt etc were seen. We also got to use the spotting scope and binoculars which were brought by GBCN members.

1 comment:

Vinayak More said...

Great !👌👌